Gabriel Davis

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since Jun 17, 2018
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Recent posts by Gabriel Davis

Keith, My wife and I talked to you a while back we are in  Commerce City, co for the time being Would like to come check out your earthship.
6 years ago
We would love to explore Washington. Would like to talk and get some more information.
6 years ago
Would be a challenge for sure. Can you tell me more about your outfit.
6 years ago
Thank you for doing that.
Gabriel is a disabled veteran disability do not restrict him physically. He has a background in general construction. Has lived in rural Illinois and is good with animals. He is also an avid outdoorsman.
Abby has a wide variety of skills. She grew up in Missiouri on a cow farm and other rural areas. Has knowledge in bookkeeping and will be a certified proadvisor at the end of 2018. She is a fast learner and a hard worker.
Together we make a great team and are ready for any challenge.
6 years ago
My wife (Abby) and I (Gabriel) are looking for a place that we can work live and learn at. We are new to the scene and ready to learn. We are looking for somewhere in Co, Wa, Or any mountain state. If you are in need of help and looking for young eager energetic couple to come live learn and work along side please message us.
6 years ago