Rachelle Abalos

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since Jun 20, 2018
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Recent posts by Rachelle Abalos

Rachelle Abalos wrote:I live in Dagupan City, Pangasinan, Phil. I'm planning on planting sweet potatoes.

6 years ago
I live in Dagupan City, Pangasinan, Phil.
6 years ago
This is the part of the property I wanted to work on. It is a shady part.
6 years ago

Hello. I am Rachelle, 24 and currently unemployed. My family wanted me to get a job again but I really don't want to, not because I'm stubborn, but because I don't want to go back in that stressful environment. Going back to the rat race is a big 'NO' for me. They don't understand my situation and keeps making me do what they want is 'right' for me. I was looking for a way to restart my life and luckily I stumbled upon this website. Right now, I have read a lot of forums about permaculture, homesteading, food forests, natural buildings, vertical gardening etc. but getting started is the real struggle. I live in a floodplain area. The flood has went down as of now, but it is the rainy season right now so it is expected to have more floods coming in the next few months. The property has fruit trees and some flowering plants buts that's about it. I would greatly appreciate it if you guys could be my mentor in starting at least a small vegetable garden. Having a mentor who would also look at my progress is also a big help. You can contact me through my e-mail tianaellecharabalos09@gmail.com Thank you and God bless.
6 years ago