2 1/2 months ago I had St Augustine sod laid down. We had 2 days of rain and my grass was beautiful until the heat hit us....near 100 every day which in late late May was higher than usual temps. I have been watering with an isolating sprinkler and at first I was watering 20 minutes every day. I was watering either in the day or evenings. When the heat hit I noticed my grass suffering. I read and finally I had a lawn care person pay me a visit. I was told by the lawn care company that my lawn was suffering from "burn" believed to be by the sun and she told me not to water during the day. Instead she told me to water at night when temps were over 80 and in the mornings when temps were lower than 80. I wanted to get some advise here. I have St Augustine in jn back yard and I water it at night, maybe 1-2 times a week and it is beautiful but because this is new grass I was trying to make sure it had enough water. It is completely rooted but I definitely have brown spots now which the lawn care company did not feel were a pest or fungus issue. My question is how often do you suggest to water in temps near 100 and do you suggest evening watering like the company suggested to me?