This thread echoes conversations we had with many of the storytellers in our book. I would like to quote one of those as I think he describes a way of living that life of integrity within the current system, while at the same time shifting the culture away from what is fundamentally flawed with that system:
"Once you have a different mode of thinking, you can either create a new system or you can shift the existing system. You can use the new way of thinking in the old system, and in some cases that's effective or efficient. A lot of times it's efficient because there's such a huge infrastructure built up. so we're going to get rid of all the cars, but we're going to keep all those roadways because they're great bike pathways. We're not not going to tear out all the roadways and then make new bike paths."
A further excerpt from the book that relates to this: "The shift to ecological rather than economic thinking is not a straightforward one. Transition options can be a pathway towards an alternative system. They acknowledge that we are often wavering between two ways of being, with dominant culture stories still embedded in our decision-making, even after that flip to a different mode of thinking."