Carla Blackpot

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since Aug 16, 2018
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Cayo Seraphim wrote:I should add that one benefit from being so strict about plastic/toxins is that my senses have totally changed because I’m not covered in toxic smelling things that I guess deadened my senses before. I can now be asleep on a windy beach and the small of a person 200 yards away will wake me up. More like the smell of cologne and dryer sheets on them.  I think it’s helping me understand more what it is like to have senses like animals have.

 I have also experienced this since I stopped buying stuff in plastic (which immediately eliminates an entire enormous spectrum of artificially scented products).  A few weeks ago I was visiting an aunt who was using a clothes detergent called 'Gain' or something, and I found the scent to be such a nuisance that I couldn't sleep (unusual for me-- I have young kids).  It is truly bizarre how you can catch the scent of this stuff from a long distance away, or in the water, or wherever once you 'go off' this products.  
6 years ago
I recently finished potty training my second (and final) child, and am now faced with a decision about what to do with  the large number of synthetic, microfiber diapers that I accumulated during their babyhood.  I was pretty saddened to discover that my cloth diapering practice caused significant harm to the environment because I primarily used synthetic, microfiber and polyester all-in-one diapers.  I washed them a million times, each time shedding microfibers into the environment.  It's really hard for me to face the fact that the best place for these now well-worn, (and probably extra microfiber shedding) diapers is the landfill.  Trolling a few cloth diapering websites (including the location where I bought my children's diapers years ago) there does not seem to be any acknowledgement of the microfiber pollution that comes from washing synthetics.  I really would like to get the word out to other parents concerned about their ecological impact that it is best to invest in natural fiber cloth diapers.  Does anyone have connections that would make this possible?  I've written to a few of the cloth diaper companies but have not received a reply.
6 years ago