C.C. Castro

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since Aug 29, 2018
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I love giving "things" names! It adds fun to my day. I have a '76 and an '02 Pontiac firebird. The '76 is 'big sister" or sometimes called 'the Black'  and the '02 is 'little sister'. My very old Ford tractor is Miss Deisel.
My recently acquired Kubota tractor is called Newby one Kubuty. I also see many hawks on my homestead and they are always called Hawkeye.
2 months ago
Wow I love this thread about rocks! So many great ideas.
I'm building a labyrinth from rocks on my property. Only have the center "rose" done so far. It's about 40 feet diameter right now. Should be about 100 feet when completed, which will take years.
6 years ago
This is such a great idea! I've been writing my observations of plants and wildlife at my place for years, but never thought of giving it a name! Would like to read this book for ideas on organization. 😊
6 years ago