Rosa Mio Gardino

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since Aug 22, 2018
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Pearl Sutton wrote:

Joseph Lofthouse wrote:One of my neighbors does waterbath canning on lactofermented cabbage, which turns it into a shelf-stable food,

Does it? I was told I had to keep it in the fridge, I have one section of the fridge full of ferments. I'd LOVE to be able to get them on the shelf.

I have yet to have a lactoferment turn out well, and yes I have followed instructions to the letter. I’ll keep the crazy person that I am.

I used a refrigerator pickle method on korabi and it worked beautifully so I wonder if it’d work on cabbage too 🤔
4 years ago
I’m in Zone3 up in Canada so lettuce stop as soon as it frosts, but, my favorite variety is Butter Crunch. It’s a pretty fast germinator and has always been not bitter for me even in the heat of summer. From bolted plants seeds can be collected easily.

Another type is the salanova type from only Johnny’s. I have some in the garden now and the person I got seeds from swears its the best out there. It’s a hybrid so its seeds aren’t true to type.... but knowing me I’m still going to try them to see what happens... who knows, it might be good?
4 years ago
I know this is an old post, but, I’d dehydrate the kale and store it in vacuumed jars. That’d be the most shelf stable. If you leave it in ‘leaf’ form then you can add as you like into soups/stews.  IF you want to boost your smoothies, you can powder it and add it as green power.

You can blanch and freeze it but I have always disliked the constancy of it when thawed. Someone had mentioned pressure canning in in a recipe and that’s all good but they mentioned putting in pasta (?) don’t ever pressure can pasta or rice. Put in all other ingredients that are safe for pressure canning and just add in the not safe items when you open the jar to eat it.

Take care

Amanda Heigel wrote:I've seen all the options for greens that involve the fridge, freezer or drying. I'm going to have a ton of greens in a couple months and I'd like some shelf stable options.
So far all I can find is just plain pressure canned greens. Just water and maybe a pinch of salt. But I don't want to make up a bunch of flavorless green mush that we'll never eat.
I've scoured the internet the last few days and come up mostly empty save a recipe for pickled kale stems. It's either ferment and use quickly or can with water.
Am I missing a shelf stable option here?

4 years ago
I listened to this podcast and subscibed, really liked it.

One thing that was mentioned was priming the chimney (making sure you had good draft) so you don’t get smoke blowing back into the room by using a lit piece of newspaper or a tea light. I recalled seeing a system on YouTube, a J type rocket mass heater that was being used in a greenhouse to keep the chill off during frosty evenings to extend their season a few extra weeks...  they utilized an exterior fan that was switched on before the fire was lit to achieve the needed draft and then switched off once the fire took. It wasn’t in any way in danger of overheating, they said, because it was so far away that by the time the smoke reached it it was already very cool. With that in mind, a fan, could it be utilized on the box rocket mass heater to overcome the issuer of blocking the port with improper loading techniques?

Living in Zone 3 a mass heather in a greenhouse (when I get one) is the goal to help extend my season.
I recall my grandparents producing fruit trees doing this and they just left them. I’m not sure if that was the cure or just the uncertainty of what to do. Over time the sap would harden and us kids would break it off.

Is this due to surface damage? Or perhaps overwatering? If it’s surface damage then figure out how to prevent it. I’d leave them and let them harden like a scab and resist the temptation to wash them off.

I’d be VERY curious to see if there’s a tired & true solution to this rather than what I’ve suggested. ✌🏻
6 years ago

Shawn Klassen-Koop wrote:Hi Rosa and welcome to Permies!

I think J is talking about Rob & Michelle Avis in Calgary. They have a bunch of good resources at their website (

Thank you for the welcome 🙂 I checked on their site and they have ‘tar sands’ quoted as a concern. I worked in that industry and my husband is employed by it now so I don’t think they’d receive me without prejudice.

6 years ago
Thank you all for the info 🙂🙂
6 years ago
Has anyone set up permaculture in this zone?

I’m up in Alberta Canada and it gets -very- cold which makes over winter composting come to a stop. We also experience temperature events called Chinooks that can elevate the temperature 5-15C for a day or two then drop it back down to below freezing. Our growing season is short, 90-120 days IF we are lucky. I don’t have season extenders such as an over winter greenhouse or high tunnels.  
6 years ago