Siobhan Taylor

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since Aug 29, 2018
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Hi Katya. It looks quite a bit like Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Silver Sheen' to me. Silver Sheen is a fast growing shrub/tree that tends to pop up everywhere as it grows wild and is often used in ornamental gardening. Wonder if that could be it.
6 years ago

Tyler Ludens wrote:Could it be False Olive?

That was my first guess when I first saw the fruit, but the leaves are all wrong. They are large, semi glossy and the same shade of green and general shape as most citus leaves.
6 years ago
Hi everyone! I'm in the California Bay area in a semi costal area. This tree is dropping a dark purple, almost olive colored fruit that the local racoons and squirrels are going crazy for. I thought it was some kind of chokecherry or ornamental plum but upon closer inspection of the fruit, I am unsure. The fruit start green, turn to bright red and then reach a dark olive color, at which point they start to drop. if I can remember clearly, I think it had clusters of white flowers in the spring. Does anybody know what it is? I truly appreciate any and all input. Thanks!
6 years ago