Greetings, I am farming part time and 58. I Know in my heart that I have every ability to keep pitch forking wood chips, digging and the host of other things I enjoy. I keep picking ways to support my body, spirit, and mind along the way. One of the most current is intermittent fasting. Once one gently adjusts to this " make it your own process " the benefits are wonderful !! I also work with diet and environment adjustments, along with nutrient cycling " Microbe and structure soil analysis " If someone is truly ready and determined to improve their health as years go by there are lots of options and many do not need large expenditures ! At some point I will offer wisdom coaching " knowing that I am always a student as well " to people that are true to making changes for the betterment of themselves and the life around them.
Making the best as I can of the journey, Leanne