Paul Nuss

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since Oct 01, 2018
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I am thinking of doing this same thing.  I realize this thread is a little older and hoping that someone has gone through with it.

My idea: a PVC pipe about 6” or so run at a 45 degree through the wall and about a foot out the other end. (I would prefer stainless but I don’t want to spend that much money on this project). Considering some kind of damper on the outside to prevent winter wind blowing into my kitchen. Also thinking I would either install a “pot filler” type faucet near the inside end of the chute, or put a faucet directly in the chute.  This way I can make a habit of running some water down after whatever I dump out.  I would like to place the inside door recessed into my countertop, but may have to make it wall mounted due to the angle/ height requirements to make it 45 degrees.

I am thinking this plan would allow me to 100% seal the home walls around the pipe, preventing any issues with the structure, and allow easy cleaning and low mess. I am actually looking to do this for my home as well as my mother’s home.

I am interested to hear any input on my idea and especially anyone who has done anything like this.  
6 years ago