doug Ballew

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since Oct 08, 2018
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Recent posts by doug Ballew

I saw this technique on utube bout a year or so ago. I think that it was from ww2 era when soldiers were overseas that it was developed.
I think that some of the us soldiers even marketed them while deployed to Europeans
6 years ago
Will paw paw's thrive in kansas?
6 years ago
Going thru wall
Then vertical not wanting to cut out soffit
Would like to offset 18" soffit then go vertical again
Been woodstoving since i was born
Upgrading after 20 years to good double wall
Just real confused bout all the regs and stipulations. Some say ok others say don't do it
I understand that weight is a huge variable
6 years ago
I'm new to this so please bear with me
I have a question on whether to install a 15 degree vs a 30 degree angle kit into a new stove pipe installation
Looking for facts and or opinions
Thank you
6 years ago