Joshua Radish

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since Feb 14, 2019
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Recent posts by Joshua Radish

Hey Ryan, loving how your bench is coming along. If you need help I live pretty close to you amd wouldn't mind seeing it first hand! I completely forgot I messaged you back when you posted that windmill and how close we are in distance and age. (I'm 32)

My girlfriend and I are living in a 12x28' shome (shed home) over in Copemish and are considering different wood heating options.

Also, Howl's Moving Castle is one if our favorite movies and I am currently in the third book. We just took in a couple stray kitties in October and our son named the orange and white one Calcifer.
Anyways, let me know if i can help or if you are interested in meeting up at all.
5 years ago
Hey Ryan. I'm in Copemish and I currently have a 12v 125ah battery and small 100w solar panel. I'm interested in the wind turbine if you still have it available. My partner and I are new to the area and just starting our adventures in northern Michigan.
6 years ago
Hello Adam and others! I just wanted touch base with y'all to say that my partner, two kids and I have just moved to NW Michigan and will be starting our permaculture ventures and soon as we finish our house and can see the ground again! We live in in Copemish on ten acres of mostly wooded land. I wonder if there is potential for any sort of gathering or something? I know there is a permaculture potluck group that I haven't had a chance to attend yet, but other than that we don't know anyone in the area and would love to remedy that. Permaculture is new to me and my gardening experience is limited to a year of working on a csa so I have a lot to learn.

Anyway, good luck and I hope you find something!
6 years ago