Mr. Rufus is correct, the existing wire fence would become the additional ground, and it is FL. I am about 2/10 mile from a good size lake and about 1/10 from 2 large ponds and about 1 mile from a large state forest. The property is fenced on the perimeter and the fence i want to charge is an inner fence so a person would have to cross one fence before getting to the charged fence. When the larger of the two dogs chased out the gator he climbed over the inner fence and then went under the outer fence through a swale dug by a gopher tortoise. He was just a little guy about 4', a larger one would have just killed the dog. I also planned on plenty of signs and flags to mark the hot wires. Any water you dump on the ground is gone almost immediately and I and my neighbors on both sides have wells about 300' deep to hit water.