Daniel Hash

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since Feb 15, 2021
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Kristine. It looks like a great book.  I am in northern Idaho and currently planning and setting up for a small flock of Muscovy Ducks next Spring.  They will be (mostly) free range.  I know these ducks are from a different linage from domestic ducks.  Do you cover Muscovy's in your book?  Also plan on setting up a 300 gal. duck pond (they will also have a very nearby medium sized creek).  Am interested in learning about Quakaponics and using the duck pond fertilized water for my Zone 2 perinial plants.  Does the book talk about this as well? Daniel W Hash
7 months ago
I used to cut up the cardboard, but now I just soak it in water for a few minutes, it then tears supper easy.  Plus, it is moist and better consumed by the worms.  I almost never have to add water to the worm bins other than the moisture with the cardboard.
2 years ago