I am writing a science fiction story, where the trees can grow as tall as 244 meters tall which makes them almost three times as tall as the tallest tree on Earth. The gravity and atmosphere is about the same. The climate is about the same. My question is; What kind of structure would the tree have to have in order to reach that height. What would the width of a tree like that be. They reach the end of their lives at 244 to 250 meters then slowly die out. The wood of the tree is very expensive and only one tree a year can be cut down, and only if there is a tree that has reached its turning point. So all the trees that are eligible are marked for cutting with a maturity date. The first rule of writing is "Don't insult the reader." Okay the average person would say "Okay its an 800 foot tall tree." however, there are those out there that will say, "impossible" So I'm going to ask the botanist in here to think outside of the box. My explorer botanist is saying "Impossible." while the obvious is pointed out. "Yet there they stand." So what would you look for in a tree that tall? What would you expect to find if you encountered a three that is 244 meters tall? If you think I am asking you the impossible just wait until I start bugging limber jacks about how to cut down a tree that size without damaging it.