Dawn Taillon

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since Nov 17, 2018
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Recent posts by Dawn Taillon

I am redoing my yard to be more drought tolerant in the high desert but want to make a new lasagna garden and buy a green house for temporary to put over the lasagna and plant food. I used to have flowers only.
3 years ago
I dont know if I fit in this particular thread but I live in South eastern Kern in a forest in Tehachapi. I love to get tips and ideas from people who garden and love to be able to benefit from the knowledge advise and friendship. I am not off grid.
6 years ago
Try Jerry Baker tips for natural garden remedies you can add to your beds. Beer, baby shampoo other things can be added that you can buy at the dollar store to help your soil. I live in the high desert in California. I have similar conditions to yours, except droughts which is our norm. So I buy dollar store diapers, rip out the cotton and gel absorb lining and put it where I need to retain water. Where the roots will need to retain water longer. I use rolls of shade cloth when August comes for the real hot time.
6 years ago
I like the long term breakdown with the wood logs on the bottom, but you need to have smaller easier stuff to break down faster above that. If you want to plant right away, Cardboard, straw, not hay bc of seeds, broke down manure or compost,
White paper. Water it well add some top soil.
I have desert soil called caleche, this works and add worms and breaks down your soil under it. Put wire down and cardboard to keep tunnelers out add jalapenos down too. Keeps them from trying when the wire breaks down.
6 years ago