I'll add my $0.02 - I haven't read the book, but we've just recently started the full online course.
The logic stands, I feel, that if we're going to try and run this 'as a business' then the cost of the course is something we can justify as part of startup costs.
That aside..
The content seems, so far, to be fantastic - it's not focused on abstract theory, but on practical steps and application. Even when talking through the principals, he relates it back to how they've done that on their own farm.
The video content includes choice moments from the internship presentations etc, around the farm, content specifically for purchasers etc.
Downloads seem to be possibly excerpts from the book (there's e-book chapters for each of the chapters in the course - I suspect these ARE his book as reference material) - along with planning guides, checksheets, examples..
As an example - chapter 3, which is the shortest one - maps and landform.. downloads include ebook chapter (8 pages, summary of approach and steps with examples), slope conversions spreadsheet and some (community driven) links to various country-specific mapping services.
You can also submit your own plans and get feedback from the subscriber community as well.
Looking at chapter 4, the ebook chapter is 24 pages, example basemaps he used for his keyline designs, plus some example maps and steps for a 30ha farm. The content of the videos (of which there's 17 or so) looks to focus heavily on how to do it, step by step, more or less.
Downloads are digitally watermarked, so if you shared them around it can be tracked back to you - but that aside; the downloads do work in tandem with the course material from what I can see and I suspect you get the best value by using them in tandem.
There's also a (I think it's weekly) webinar where he'll go through a Q&A session from subscribers, which some would no doubt also find helpful.
At the start, he does make a point that if you are going to do this - then you should be prepared to do it for a while. He suggests you should probably consider paying for a year, because he suspects you'll want to keep referring back to things while you plan, get started, get things moving..
While that wasn't my intention, I can see some value in that argument, now, too.
All up - good thumbs up for us.