Elise Wright

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since Nov 23, 2018
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I'm a metalsmith currently living in Missouri. I lived in Arkansas for 13 years on 20 acres where we had a homestead, although I guess we didn't think of it like that. We did have electricity, but no running water save for having a cistern that caught rain water off the cabin roof and gravity fed that down to the house so we had water in the kitchen sink and a shower. No toilet indoors, we used an outhouse.

I grew most of our food, we had a spring for drinking water that we had to haul into the house. The house was heated by wood stoves, and cooled by the construction of the house which was mostly rock so in the summer we kept the doors/windows open all night to cool things off then closed it up during the day so the cooled down stones would keep the house cool. Floor to ceiling windows in part of the house with a rock pad in front of them helped to maintain heat when needed.

I left the homestead when my husband died. I was 38 with three small children, the youngest being just two and I couldn't do all the work myself so I moved to be near family. Unfortunately while I was gone my house was burned down and I've not been able to go back yet. My youngest is now 17 and I'm looking to homestead again. I miss living that way, and I was healthier.

I'm looking to sell or trade my 20 acres in North Central Arkansas for 10-20 similar acres in Colorado. Please contact me if you are interested.
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I'm looking for anywhere that is more forest than desert LOL  My son lives in Grand Junction, and wants to end up in Ft. Collins, so ideally the idea is to be near him somewhere, but I need my trees and creeks more than I need a close distance. Not much help huh? I'm not familiar enough with Colorado to really know what area I should be looking in, so I'm just searching for properties that meet my criteria of being heavily wooded and that has a creek or spring on it. And that fits my budget, which I don't even know what that will be until I sell the land in Arkansas.

This is in north central Arkansas. Closest town is either Oxley or Timbo I think, or Alco. All really small towns. Nearest town of any size is Mountain View, it's 25 miles to the east of this property, or Leslie (this is small, but on Hwy 65 south of Harrison, AR so easy to find on a map).

thanks! I'll take all the help I can get on this, I've never bought or sold land before so any help I can get is greatly appreciated. :)

So you must know the Archotes then? I moved away from there in 2003 after my husband died and haven't really had any contact with them since then. I really miss living down there on this land though :)
Could be the pics of the castle were posted by my friend Ben who was staying there. He was there a year or so I think, before I ever though to sell it. :)
20+ acres heavily wooded, wet weather creek and spring, drilled well, large garage and shed, small sauna, pond, great garden areas, couple of almond trees, one pear tree, one peach tree. There is electricity run to the property, but was told it needed repair to be run out again. House burned down in 2005, foundation, two walls, and chimney still standing. Several great sites on this land you could build a new home if you didn't want to build where the old homesite was. See http://earthmotherhomestead.org for pictures. I'm happy to answer any questions. Asking $55,000.  I'm wanting to move to Colorado, so would consider a land trade, as long as the Colorado land has water.