Loretta Stuber

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since Nov 25, 2018
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Recent posts by Loretta Stuber

I did some more checking and Evans Ceramic Supply Store in Wichita, Kansas is the only store that carries Lincoln 60 Fireclay in my area, and they also carry the ceramic fiber roll which they cut to size and charge $6 per sq ft. So how many bags of the fireclay will I need if I use it for my cob mix instead of harvesting the clay myself? The more sacks of clay I purchase the cheaper the bag. If I buy 100#s it will cost me $30, that's $15 a bag. I'm going Tuesday to get it.
6 years ago
What's the best height for the heat riser?
6 years ago
Thanks Matthew, that's a big help:)
6 years ago
Thanks guys! Where are you located Thomas? Yes, I checked around & that was the cheapest place I found it, at a ceramic supply shop. None of the masonry supply stores carry it here. And ordering it online, well the clay is cheap but that shipping is a killer. Is $7.50 a sq. ft. for the ceramic fiber roll to high also? It's also at that ceramic supply shop. I'm assuming if I have a 36" riser I'd need the ceramic fiber insulation cut to 37"? And to fit in an 8" pipe, I'd cut it how wide? I'm not really good at figuring circumference measurements, don't want to come up short. I'll have to write that site down you shared Thomas, as it wasn't highlighted so can't just click it. But I'll view it today. Matthew, I definitely know about the auto correct on the phone, it happens to me alot, Lol! No worries, I'm good:)
6 years ago
Matthew, my name is Loretta not Claudia. Wasn't for sure if your post was addressing me or not & we all make mistakes.. on the heat riser built with ceramic fiber insulation, so what I'm seeing is just cut & roll a piece of the 1" ceramic fiber & slide into a piece of pipe, that's it. That seems to be the way to go. How big does the pipe need to be & the opening after you insert the ceramic fiber?
6 years ago
My question today is about the ceramic fiber lining in the stovepipe for the heat riser. Is this sandwiched between 2 pcs of pipe like the perlite/fireclay or does the fire burn up thru the insulation? If it is sandwiched between the 2 pieces of stovepipe, then why wouldn't triple wall insulated stainless stovepipe work for the riser since it already has the ceramic fiber insulation in it between 2 pieces of stainless stovepipe.
6 years ago
Ok, I'm back:) I found the perlite at a garden center for $35 for 4 cu. ft. which seems a bit high. Can't get it at home depot here or anywhere near here:( I  also found the Lincoln 60 fireclay for $20 per 50#s or $30 per.100#s. They also have the ceramic fiber blanket for $7.50 sq. ft. So how much fireblanket would I need? And can I do better shopping online? I priced the Lincoln 60 fireclay online at $8.40 per 50#s but shipping for 2 bags was like $95. Nope, too much for me on the shipping. Are the prices I found in Wichita listed above about right considering I don't have to pay for shipping. Planning on looking for the fire blanket & board at fireplace & woodstove outlets. Nothings cheap but well, I'm finding out Kansas is quiet high compared to where some of you live, that's for sure. Anyway, your input will be much appreciated.
6 years ago
So if I go with the ceramic fiber blanket inside stove pipe for my heat riser,  then would I need the perlite?
6 years ago
I originally was thinking of using the plain kitty litter as a sub for regular clay in my cob which is mixed with sand,  but y'all have convinced me that's not a good idea.
6 years ago
I wondered about the rock. I have seen several videos that pile in the base rock layer then add the pipe but I know that hvac is very easily dented so I will be gentle. I have read about the ceramic fiber blankets & will look into building my riser as you suggested. Where do I get those two items? Online or who carries them?
6 years ago