Thanks guys! Where are you located Thomas? Yes, I checked around & that was the cheapest place I found it, at a ceramic supply shop. None of the masonry supply stores carry it here. And ordering it online, well the clay is cheap but that shipping is a killer. Is $7.50 a sq. ft. for the ceramic fiber roll to high also? It's also at that ceramic supply shop. I'm assuming if I have a 36" riser I'd need the ceramic fiber insulation cut to 37"? And to fit in an 8" pipe, I'd cut it how wide? I'm not really good at figuring circumference measurements, don't want to come up short. I'll have to write that site down you shared Thomas, as it wasn't highlighted so can't just click it. But I'll view it today. Matthew, I definitely know about the auto correct on the phone, it happens to me alot, Lol! No worries, I'm good:)