Bob Waldrop

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since Dec 17, 2009
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The road to a healthy yard begins with at least a year of careful observation and note taking. Where does the sun shine and where is it shady in the various seasons of the year. Are there micro climates? What is presently growing there? What is the history? Any chemicals used on the property -- herbicides, pesticides, insecticides (especially chlordane which was once popular against termites and contaminates a lot of urban properties)? What about lead in the soil from lead based paint and the days of yore when lead was an ingredient in gasoline?

Resist the temptation to start doing a bunch of unconnected stuff. If there are serious issues, like erosion in process, go ahead and take some action like putting down mulch or creating some check dams or planting something to hold onto the soil, but generally, action without observation often turns out to be counterproductive. It's not possible to grow a healthy yard in a "fit of passion" or "one quick season of work." As you observe, evaluate your observations and think about your goals, needs, and wants with this yard. Then you make a plan and begin to implement it -- Observe, Study, Evaluate, Design, Implement (OSEDI is the acronym).

Bob Waldrop How to permaculture your urban lifestyle
10 years ago
My brick and poster arrived today. They look even better than their pictures. I predict though that any actual card games played with them will drag on for a bit as people scrutinize each card to see what it's about,
11 years ago
iPermie is a newly published ebook, complete with 14 sections, 248 chapters, and 399,000 words.

iPermie will empower you with the strategies, tools, and techniques you need to navigate the cardinal threats of peak oil, climate instability, economic irrationality, and political criminality.

iPermie is an almanac of useful information and permaculture self study guide.

iPermie provides best practices, reskilling suggestions and information, and experience with permaculture design.

iPermie is a good-life design guide for Millennials, Boomers, and Generation X that can help each generation meet its unique challenges.

Because of the nature of city living, iPermie discusses invisible structure issues in great depth. Indeed, the invisible structure discussion is a "book within the book." People in cities will not be able to grow all of their own food, so they must participate in urban food security structures like cooperatives, CSAs, community gardens, and other forms of community food security. They won't be able to grow their own energy, so new forms of energy security for cities need to be developed.

Yes, the book includes recipes, so there is a "Cookbook within the book" too.

See the annotated table of contents (with section and chapter summaries) at .

Read a sample at .

The price is $1.99 at all of the online outlets where it is for sale.

Order direct from the author.
Format: Pdf, landscape orientation, 3 columns. Payment via PayPal.

Smashwords eBook superstore
Formats: epub, mobi, pdf portrait one column per page, plain text, Sony readers

Amazon Kindle

Apple Store
Formats: iBooks, iPhone, iPad, iPod touch

Kobo devices
Formats: all Kobo devices.

Versent eBook superstore
Formats: Android, iPad, iPod, iPhone, Nook

Coming soon to Barnes and Noble, Sony, Diesel eBook Superstore.

12 years ago
Please forward, post and/or announce.

Elfin Permaculture Announces the 15th Annual Permaculture Design Course Online

Registration packet with 62 pages of info about the course --

The certificate course runs six months and includes the following learning approaches:

• Extensive reading in books, papers, both in print and on the course CD-ROM;

• 21 modules of at least one week, mainly presented on the CD, representing the formal presentations of course instructors;

•  At least four reports from each student, including a full permaculture design report[1];

•  Class discussion, via email, of readings and reports, as well as questions and issues raised by students or instructors;

•  The opportunity to participate in student study groups where interested students can pursue any agreed-upon topic for as long as they wish (independently of the course schedule);

• Support for students by three instructors: Dan Hemenway, course designer leader; Cynthia Hemenway CNM, designer and discussion leader for a special week on Design for Health, and Robert Waldrop, founder of the Oklahoma Food Cooperative and leader of several online discussion groups, our course moderator and discussion leader. You may read further background of our instructors on our web site.  In practice, Robert will lead most discussion groups and review early design work and Dan will review more complete design drafts and provide deep backup throughout, as needed.  Cynthia focuses mainly on the Design for Health module and serves as further deep back up for Dan.

The online course consists of three consecutive sections, plus work on a permaculture design which students undertake throughout the cycle in which they are registered. Samples of student design work are included in the course CD. We offer several registration options to accommodate people in varied circumstances including a non-certificate track, certificate training in one six-month cycle, and a two year ‘deliberate track’ that enables a student to participate in two consecutive course cycles and take ample time to prepare the design report for certification.

Content of the course sections:

    Section 1:  Introduction and Basic Principles
          a) World ecological problems and interrelationships.
          b)  Basics.Principles of natural design. Sustainability and appropriate scale as concepts and principles in permaculture.
          c)  Permaculture design concepts.
          d)  Classical landscapes.
          e)  Patterning, edges, edge effects.
          f)  The Permaculture Design Report.
           g)  Principles of transformation (Unique to Elfin Permaculture courses). Succession, logarithmic change, exponential change, chaos, modulation, etc.

    Section 2: Appropriate Technologies in Permaculture Design
          a)  Energy--solar, wind, hydro, biomass, etc.
          b)  Nutrient cycles (3 modules)--soil, microclimates, gardening methods, perennials, tree crops, food parks, composting toilets, livestock, "pest" management, food storage, seed saving, cultivated systems, forests,  etc.
          c)   Water--impoundments, aquaculture, conservation, etc.
          d)   Shelter/buildings and access.
          e)   Design for Health.

    Section 3:  Social permaculture.  Design Report.
          a)  Design for catastrophe.
          b)  Urban permaculture.
          c)  Bioregionalism.
          d)  Alternative economics.
          e)  Village development.
          f)   Final design reports and critiques.
          g)  Final evaluation.


Anyone can monitor the course (receive most course posts). Monitor tuition is free if s/he registers in the same envelope used to send the order for the course CD. (One can also monitor for a fee.) We also sometimes allow potential scholarship candidates to monitor using slightly a slightly older CD that has been returned by a student seeking an update or upgrade.  Monitors receive a special Self-Study version of the CD in any case. Inquire.

Course CD & Reading List

During our sabbatical, we conducted a comprehensive review of the course CD, with about 2-dozen major changes or new items, and hundreds (at least) updates, refinements, rewrites, etc. The course CD (all versions) nevertheless has remained at the same price for several years.   

The reading list and reading assignments (see Preregistration Package) have been revised reflect changes in availability of documents, newly published materials, etc.

Dan Hemenway   

13 years ago
The first ever permaculture design course for Oklahoma City has been scheduled for later this year. It will be taught by Scott Pittman, and Bob Waldrop of Oklahoma City will be an occasional guest presenter. It is scheduled in four sections, August through October:

Thursday, August 4 - Sunday, August 7 (classes held at Turtle Rock Ranch in northern Oklahoma)
Thursday, September 8 - Sunday, September 11 (OKC)
Saturday, October 15 - Sunday, October 16 (OKC)
Saturday, November 12- Sunday, November 13 (OKC)

Thanks to a grant from the local sponsor, Transition OKC, the tuition is  $750 if paid 1 month before the class starts, $800 thereafter. This is a certificate-level class.

More information is available online at .

Transition OKC --

Bob Waldrop, Oklahoma City
Kitchen Permaculture Online Workshop

How to use permaculture design to create ecological, economical, resilient, and socially just household food systems.

Workshop uses a private listserv and resource CD.  Starts February 28, 2010 and runs for ten weeks,with a 2 weekbreak at Easter.  Details,including workshop outline, levels of participation, and tuition are at . Workshop leader is Bob Waldrop, Oklahoma City.
15 years ago

Fred Morgan wrote:
4. If you have the luxury, prune withing 4 days of the full moon. I kid you not. I have found by experimentation here that if you prune around the full moon, you get much less water sprouts.

Is this within 4 days before the full moon, or 4 days after, or 4 days either way?  My grandfather used to always plant his garden by the phase of the moon, and I follow some of the basics of that in my own annual garden, but I have never heard anything relating moon phases to fruit tree pruning.
15 years ago