Nick Turner

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since Nov 28, 2018
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I checked out the starter recipe listed in the first post, I continued reading and found that chef's sourdough recipe, and it worked out great!

Per the recipe, I think that letting the dough rise for 6 hours AFTER removing it from fridge was an important step, and during that time the dough ball rose the most - right before I baked it. The last two hours of rising is when it really seemed to grow and change texture (poking it). I also made sure that my stater was SUPER active. Feeding it with Rye-only for 2 days before starting... making sure that it was at it's peak of activity before I mixed it in (It was at least 2x it's original size, and very bubbly). I think that helped a lot too.

I used:
-50% all purpose flour
-25% whole wheat
-25% Rye

6 years ago

Anne Miller wrote:Thanks everyone for the links, tips and comments.

Several days ago, I decided that I was not happy with my starter.  After much reading I started a new starter yesterday using my starter.  So far I like the looks of it.

I found that some of my all purpose flour was actually self-rising flour.  Like a good daughter, I bought self rising flour for years because that is what my mother bought.  After I quit buying self rising flour, I evidently had some still in my flour container.

Self rising flour, water temperature and room temperature is what I feel was the problem with my starter.

I have looked at my new starter several times and it is looking good.  The instructions say wait 24 hours which will be at 5:45pm.

Anne, if you really want to get your starter active, use Rye or Whole Wheat flower (Rye is the best), like Gregory was saying above. They have more nutrients for the yeast in your starter, and really activate it better than an all purpose flower. Very noticeable difference in how active it will get in 24 hours. Especially Rye! This is one of the only tricks/tips I know in my small amount of experience
6 years ago
Thanks for starting this thread. I built my first sour dough starter about 2 months ago, and have been experimenting with sourdough bread and also pizza crust. I've had some success, but am not getting the rise out of my doughs that I would like. I think it mostly has to do with feeding properly before starting the fermentation (I store my start in fridge for 5 or 6 days without feeding), and also letting it rise for the right amount of time. Still playing!

I'll try the recipe from the video the original poster threw up (part 2 is the recipe).

I've been following directions on The Perfect Loaf website. I like how thorough he is, and there is lots to learn here, but I feel that he is a little too technical for my taste. From my previous experience making pizza doughs (using fast rise yeast), it mostly comes down to a "feel", aside from some initial ingredient measurements. My best pizza doughs were always a result of winging it, by feel.
6 years ago