Lou slamka

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since Dec 08, 2018
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Recent posts by Lou slamka

Oh I'm not selling.

So I'm assuming you are speaking of between the border and San Isidro along the international highway?  We have friends near the panama border at the beach.   Far too removed from civilization for us but for each his own.

I think raw land in the area we are at is close to 20 to 30k us per hectare.   More than I wanted to spend but we don't feel our long term future is in the us.   That's raw land, everything depends on location and services, and as I mentioned,we would never had made the leap without finding someone we had confidence in who could make the dreams a reality.  Add cost to clear, improve, plant, and maintain ...
Id like to asap but there are some things I need to tend to here and some of our pets need to find a field to play on the farm, so to say. So 4 years is about right.   Gives the trees a chance to mature.

Closest big city is San Isidro/Pelez Zeledon.    We plan on summering here in Portland.   I like the fact the seasons here and in CR complement each other in general.  Only 2 months of extremely wet weather overlap each place we have to worry about.  I can't fathom being too close to the humidity of the beach.

You have to be very careful regarding microclimates.  Water is key.

Being nearby other english speaking permies was also a biggie.
We had the same thoughts but realized that there were too many opportunities to make mistakes and we don't have the time, luxury, or money.  Especially the time or know-how.  We want a farm ready to build a house in 4 years without having to do any labor ourselves.  Trying to do that down the street would even be impractical, not to mention half way around the hemisphere.

We have a permaculture friend who knew of a guy on YouTube.  I know you are thinking youtube.  Don't get hung up on it, he actually knows his shit :>

He and his wife have been living in southern zone of CR on his farm now for about 13 years.   They are tied into a partnership with some other local ticos and they do homestead development.   We met them at one of their developments, discussed what we were looking for, and then did a few follow up visits until we found exactly what we wanted.

We just bought land adjacent to his farm and  they have developed a homestead for us saving us much time and effort.   It was all turnkey.  He can also identify lots and act as an real estate agent if this is something you really want to take on yourself (everyone in Costa Rica is a real estate agent).  

The area near his farm offers pretty much everything you are looking for.  Stable government, proximity to major services (hospital),, titled land, ownership by foreigners, perfect growing climate, elevation close to 1000m, nice temperate climate to live in (no need for ac as the temps fall into the 60s every night), no drought or water issues, natural spring water, a creek along the border, electricity, many others doing organic permaculture in the immediate area.   Our 2.6ha plot even has a system of ponds that are spring fed, so we can establish a fish protien source with minimal maintenance..

We think we have found such a place and our lot is planted and about one year into a 10 years to full maturity.

Are you looking for raw land or for someone to establish a food forest so you can build there?   Most raw tropical land will either be pasture grass or overgrown jungle so will require labor to reclaim.

What is your idea of reasonable price for something around 2.5acres/1 hectare?