Mark Sullivan

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since Dec 17, 2018
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Recent posts by Mark Sullivan

Needs some quick help.   I bought two Jersey bull calves - one is a month and the other a week old

When I got them home, they didn't eat much the first day if anything. I was told to feed 2x per day.  Older one 3 quarts per.  Younger one 2 quarts per.   The second day   they ate the recommended amount..  I had coats on them and took the coats off on day three and they just looked skinny.  So I added a THIRD feeding at noon.   They sucked it all down.   I'm feeding them Purina Medicated Milk Replacer - they were getting mothers milk before I got them last Saturday.

They seem to be losing weight even with extra feedings !    I'm getting advice to stick to prescribed amount, but they act hungry.   One has loose stool (see pix).

Any advice ?   ARe they just not processing the Milk Replacer ?
1 year ago
Supposedly the following plants deter codling moths:   lavender, nasturtium,  parsnip

Has anyone out there had any experience using these to limit codling moth infestation ?  
5 years ago

It seems like there is alot of variance in advice on planting blueberries in sun or in shade.....I'm in northeast Massachsetts - zone 6.  i'm planting high bush varieties lick chandler, patriots, blue crop....

The guy giving me advice says that a fair amount of shade is OK.  But everything I read says they want alot of sun - at least 6-7 hours worth.

Just wondering if anyone out there can offer some advice.   I'm planting these because I want to get i want them in optimal conditions. I had a spot picked out - but it is pretty shady there.

Thanks in advance.
5 years ago
So you are saying that the N isn't available until after the N fixing plant that correct ?   Hmmm.   I thought that both plants had access to the N ---- the N fixer itself and the non-N fixing fruit tree.

If I understand this correctly,  then all that N that the Locust trees fix will not be available to the fruit trees until after you cut it down.   That's a long time.  

Sorry, but now I have more questions.

Are clovers able to supply nitrogen to the soil b/c the individual plants don't live that long ?
Do N producing flowers like Blue False Indigo supply nitrogen even if they come back in the spring ?

The goal is to supply N to the fruit trees for growing purposes.

Thanks.  This is very valuable info.  I guess I should consider green beans.
5 years ago
I just planted a 30 tree orchard and used  Stefan Sobkowiak's approach of a nitrogen fixing tree between two fruit trees.......
Unfortunately  ALL of the N fixing trees died. Dead as a door nail.   I used Alder trees.  

I'm rethinking my approach now.   So do I:
1)  replace the trees ?  
2) put in a shrub/bush  ?  
3) put in a few Blue False Indigo's ?  
4)  get clover going on either side ?  (which i was going to do anyway)
5) combination of the above.

Does StefanS use trees because they supply way more nitrogen than a shrub/bush ?   Or is it for maintainability ?

You thoughts ?

Thanks in advance.

5 years ago


What do you think about using a wire every 12 inches ?   (instead of the netting)     So there'd be 7 wires total.      2600 feet of 14 gauge wire is only $45.   I suppose I could electrify it if necessary as well.

6 years ago
Hi all,
My first post.....

The area I'm planting my fruit trees will need to be protected from deer.   I was planning on putting up one of those 7 foot high deer nets......

Will this keep the pollinators away ?      A friend said he saw bees flying close to the ground and stopping at the fence he used.

Will bees, etc.  go up and round to get to the trees/bushes/flowers that are inside ?     The area will be 100 foot square.


6 years ago