Peter Kord

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since Dec 25, 2018
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Recent posts by Peter Kord

S Bengi wrote:You can make biochar with the branches.
Or just let them be or mini-hugelculture

Wow you killed it with the hugelculture. I didnt even know this is a thing, I had some wild ideas like that but seeing it as a thing js awesome.
I watched some videos including thks one

And it is a great idea.

However, I see they dont recomend using cherry branches. I hope plumb branches peach and apricon branches will do fine.

Biochair would be a bit hard with fresh wood.

6 years ago
Hello everybody,
Today I decided to use up the 2 year old compost and spread it around the garden. Do you think its a good idea to use compost like this? How do you use it?

I had tons of work with my trees. I will be posting a video lol. But idk what to do with all the branches. Any good permaculture ideas?
6 years ago
Hello everybody. I am a 26 year old that has recently started a small garden/animal project near the place where I live.
I want to be active in this community, looking for interesting ideas to implement into my own project, as welk as sharing what I have done myself. I will start with a video of my first ever project, preparing the garden beds where I eventually planted onions and garlic.
All best


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... Yeah, and if anybody knows how to embed a video on this forum, that would be a great help.
6 years ago