Jorge Humphrey

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since Dec 31, 2018
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Recent posts by Jorge Humphrey

May have put this in the wrong spot. Sorry. Recently purchased 2 food grade Ibc totes. one t contained molasses and one glycerine. Curious if any of you have experience cleaning these things out. Was thinking about bringing them to a car wash to rinse any residues, but would like to clean them further As I will be using the to store water for plants. Thanks
6 years ago
Miles, my property is 34 acres roughly, with about 30 of them being non irrigated sage brush hillside. Moved to the westslope from the denver area in spring of 2017. Have lots of projects in the works. This wk I am digging a pond for controlling irrigation water, I will be installing a greenhouse later this spring. This summer will be my first yr in trying my hand at industrial hemp. Hope to learn from people who have had experience in small scale farming.
6 years ago
Howdy folks, hope I get to learn from a bunch of you. Having recently purchased a property on the west slope of Colorado, I am super excited to see what ideas I can come up with to regenerate my farm, and learn while giving some insight to my experience. Happy new year.

6 years ago