I adapted some germination chamber plans I've seen and devised my own with materials I already had. After five days, I'm having mixed results. I know my design is less than ideal: it's horizontal, not vertical; it's done with a crockpot; and, there are no temperature or humidity controls.
What I'm hoping to achieve is consistent germination (obviously). After some tweaks this week, I can maintain 73-75 degrees, 30-32 humidity, and a soil temperature of 78-80 degrees. What I'm noticing is that I'm not getting consistent germination--even less than when I used domes and heat mats.
I know that different seeds require different conditions for germination. However, what would be a median condition that would accomdate most "garden-variety" seeds? If I increase the humidity and the soil temperature rises really high (like 90 plus degrees) is this too far of an outlier for seeds to germinate?
Would love some advice!