Hello. And thanks for all the great information I've already found in this forum.
I'm considering building a J-box RMH heater to replace a wood stove in a finished basement. The primary issue I'm running into isn't technical; it's that my wife insists upon seeing the fire.
I'm wondering if I could strike an compromise with her if we kept both systems by joining the RMH and the wood stove into the same vertical exhaust (up through the chimney to above the roof) with in-line dampeners (such as
this one) installed before each system enters the T. Effectively I was thinking that I could "toggle" between which system was being used and prevent adverse effects from back-draft into the other system.
I was thinking about building another (sturdy) platform above the 16" tall firebox where the wood stove would sit, leaving a gap large enough to still load 16" timber into the firebox.
Thoughts? Also I'm totally not wed to this idea, it's purely conceptual at this point, so if it should be a non-starter please feel free to say so
(Note: I'm also considering a batch box design w/ glass door instead ... and might end up there. Just trying to understand the design space.)
Thanks much!