Nichole Nelson

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since Jan 24, 2019
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Hi. I live in zone 5 or just below zone 4. I planted morning glories in pots and they are getting pretty big. From what I see, we have no more frost in the future. There will be a few chilly nights getting down to 32 degrees but no colder. Can I plant them outdoors now or should I wait a little longer?
5 years ago
Thank you all for the replies. After discussing with my husband, I think we are going to wait a while before getting sheep. I love the idea of adding to our little farm, but I think starting with the lowest maintenance animals is the best idea while our kids are so young. I think a good dog is what we need next.
6 years ago
Just under a year ago, my husband and I bought a home with 6 acres and a half acre pond. Since then, we have added 20 chickens and 5 ducks to our family. We are talking about getting a couple sheep. Although, I have many questions.
I love to garden. We plant a wide variety of things and just last summer planted apple, pear, plum, and cherry trees. They are all just babies maybe a couple years old. Will the sheep eat them? My favorite apple tree was ripped to shreds last fall from a buck and I was heart broken. I really love my trees. I also planted grape Vines and a wide variety of perennial flowers. I am hoping to have a sustainable homestead within the next few years.
I do not know if sheep will be something that would bring us more good than bad.
Also, I have small children. A 5, 3, and almost 2 year old. My 3 year old has been completely traumatized by a rooster we had in the past and now has a fever of chickens 😫. I hope she will get over it this coming up summer but I do not want to risk having another aggressive animal in our yard. Can sheep be aggressive with children?
Thanks a bunch
6 years ago