Eva Zemlya

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since Feb 12, 2019
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Vegetable Bio Shredder - Perfect for Permaculture Communities - for sale - 1500 euros
The Bio/Shredder type Bio 60 is supplied with a 3.7 kw / 5CP Honda GX 160 petrol engine. The grinding system is composed by two parts: the first one named chipper is used to cut wooden or fibrous products as wood, linden tree, willow, etc..; the second one, by means of little hammers, triturates products like leaves, hedges, mould, waste of kitchen: a good operation is granted even if pebbles or nails have been introduced accidentally. The fineness of the ground material can be adjusted through a set of rods or a sieave. The natural transformation of the biologic triturated material originates a substance having a high proteinic value which is used as manure.
Technical features:

Standard rotor diameter (mm)290
Rotor width (mm)80
Blades 1
Hammers 12
Diameter to be cut (mm)50
Diameter to be shredded (mm)25
Load opening (mm)290x265
Load height (mm)1110
Material passage (mm)90x140
Discharge height (mm)335
Hourly production (m3/h) 1÷2
6 years ago