Stephen Cummings

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since Feb 17, 2019
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Recent posts by Stephen Cummings

I have materials set to build corrugated metal frames for my raised beds. I plan on laying a layer of cardboard, 2 inches of mulch, them 8 inches of soil. Is this a good start
It's about time to plan and prepare my garden. Last year was a disappointment. My question is whether I should make raised beds this year or try again in the ground. I have materials to make raised beds and my neighbor can give me chicken bedding and manure to help the soil. It will be the same work either way.
You could stay my pen is overgrown. I had an accident 3 years ago and had to get rid of my chickens. (Wife wasn't happy taking care or them) I am trying to start again and will have chickens. I have 2/3 of an acre fenced for ani.als and 1/3 of an acre for garden. I really want to raise a few pigs for meat. Will they be ok with the chickens? Also will they help clear the land a little? I had a beautiful black raspberry patch that is out of control. Will they eat black raspberry? Most of the pen is peach and apple tree. What is your best advice for someone new to pigs? We currently buy a whole pig slaughtered every year and love fresh pork. Should I buy a mating pair or just one to raise for pork
1 year ago
Thank you! That is something I haven't thought of.
Thanks.   I have a creek they would have access to, but I also have a well point next to the shelter I already have built. I never thought of water as being an issue.  I'm glad you brought that up. The creek is mostly runoff so probably not great for them
I actually have about another 2/3 of an acre I can add without much trouble . I just want to make sure they will be ok
I'm not planning on raising then as meat. More as protection  of my chickens and pets. Maybe sell babies. I do have a bad coyote and bobcat problem here but electric netting had usually worked
1 year ago
Thanks for the post. I never had problems in the past either.
1 year ago
So I used to raise chickens and pigs. I had an accident and had to get out of it for 2 years. Now I am ready to get more chickens and am wo during what to raise with them. I have raised pugs before and enjoyed that, but I also have an unnatural love of mini donkeys. I was wo derived g what people thunk of raising the two together
1 year ago
I have a love of donkeys and am I terested in raising some mini donkeys to breed and sell. What are my main co ferns for doing such.  I only have a 2/3 acre fenced in.  Is that enough for a breeding pair? I have chickens. Is that a concern? Please help me before I get some and they suffer because I don't know what I am doing