Shelby Lynn Schuman

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since Feb 20, 2019
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I’m fairly new to foraging and I’m curious if location could have an impact on the potency of medicinal herbs.

For example could a history of commercial agriculture, mining operations, or even suburban developments lead to significant variations in toxicity? Heavy metal content and bioavailable vitamins and minerals are variables that I think could be vulnerable. Wild plants in areas like these could be purposely sprayed with pesticides and/or herbicides, or accidentally exposed to them after a windy day. I wonder if chemicals like these remain in the soil even after a few years time? And if so, could the plants that begin to grow there be impacted? Is there risk in foraging plants in a now forested area that was a trash dump for ten years?

Basically I’m curious if anyone has compared the effectiveness of foraged medicinal herbs or fungi growing in urban areas/nearby commercial agriculture to that of foraged herbs growing in the wild of forests/meadows, etc. Or if anyone has researched this and knows if contamination can alter a plants’ growth significantly enough to make an otherwise highly beneficial herb potentially useless?

I hope I didn’t make this sound super confusing lol, but if I did I’m sorry. I’ve been thinking on this subject for a while so I’m curious to hear any thoughts y’all have on topics of a similar vein 🌿
5 years ago
Hello Dr. Tilgner! Thank you for stopping in!

I don’t usually post much, but I had to participate in this opportunity. I’m an undergraduate horticulture student, novice organic home gardener, and a hobbiest forager. My health concerns have been ongoing despite working with a number of doctors over the years, and my quality of life looked truly dismal until I delved into the world of traditional medicine. It’s been only a few months since I’ve started to study the native plants in my area through a medicinal lens, but I’m already thrilled about what’s possible. I’ve been so eager to learn as much as I can, especially since there seems to be a lack of appreciation for medicinal plants and fungi amongst my like-minded peers. The more I read the more I’m compelled to share the information with anyone who will listen.

I am so excited to jump into your work! Thank you for devoting yourself to such an incredibly important field of research, it’s truly inspiring 🌿
5 years ago
Oh UTIs are the worst! That’s a bummer especially for such a little one. I see your post is already a few days old, so hopefully she’s feeling better by now... but I have a family remedy to share for anyone who might need it.

My Great Great Aunt Lula taught my family that fresh parsley tea (or dry if it’s all you’ve got) is a must have for UTIs. I’ve been using this remedy for years and find it to be amazing. The parsley has a mild and pleasant flavor all on its own, no need to sweeten it or anything. It soothes the pain one feels while urinating almost completely, and seems to calm the feeling of internal inflammation that sometimes occurs. Drink as much tea as desired.

That said, Please be very careful foraging for parsley. I know where I live in California we have a fairly convincing imposter that is quite poisonous. Dried is just fine if you’re unsure.

I’m not positive that this method can completely kill off the “bad” bacteria causing the infection, though mine always clear up on their own after two or three days of parsley tea. Though it’s not a concern for me personally, I’ve heard that some people are prone (genetically or otherwise) to severe UTIs that can become dangerous if allowed to spread. So if the issue seems to be worsening to an extremely painful point after a few days, an antibiotic might be necessary. Especially because she’s so young, I don’t want to deter you from going to a doctor if she is in need of one 😕

Also... if available, cranberries and/or cranberry juice is great to try and clear the infection as well. I’ve done both parsley tea and cranberries at the same time in the past which has seemed to work well. Just be aware that the juices found at the regular grocery are often packed full of extra sugars which could worsen the issue. Avoid cocktails etc. Good luck! 🌿
5 years ago