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Roberto Bellido

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since Mar 05, 2019
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Recent posts by Roberto Bellido

Bryant RedHawk wrote:diseases of blackberries

That should help you in the future with identifying a disease.

I have to concur with James, that looks like far to much fertilizer.
The choices for correcting that situation are multiple flushing with water or repotting with new soil (in a larger container).


Turns out it was overfertilizing. Since I took the blueberry out of the old soil and repotted with new soil it's alive again and with lots of new growth. I ended up taking the blackberry to my garden and it's also doing better. I'm getting new side shoots where I cut the diying leaves and it countinues to grow quite nice now.

I cut off all the leaves of the blueberry and all dying leaves of the blackberry. I'm gonna stick with organic only fertilizers, any tip for keeping the ph low for the blueberry? Coffe works?
5 years ago

James Freyr wrote:I won't say it's not a disease, but my first impression from the pictures is it could be symptoms of over fertilizing.

It could be, if that's the case what should I do to correct it?
5 years ago
Need some help identifying this disease or fungus on my blackberry. Leave's edges started getting soft at first and with the sunlight they got crunchy and brown, also started to curl up. Check the pics, it's my first time with blackberries so I don't know what to do.
5 years ago

James Freyr wrote:Hi Roberto, welcome to permies!

I think your blackberry looks fine. The blueberry is experiencing chlorosis, which being blueberry I suspect is from an iron deficiency. Blueberries need iron, moreso than most other edibles. Blueberries like a soil with an acidic pH, 5.5 is a safe number to target. Iron becomes less available as a soils pH gets less acidic, or goes up closer to neutral. Adding amendments to acidify a soil takes time for it to work, sometimes a year or more. What kind of soil is it planted in?

The container is mostly peat moss with compost and worm castings and mulched with pine needles.  I think the water though is very alkaline and I dont know if I made it worse with the fertilizer. I'm getting some test strips soon to test the ph. Can I use vinegar to acidify my water? It doesnt rain much here. How can I lower the ph?

About the change of seasons for blackberry, yes its almost fall or at least supposed to be but temps are just getting hotter this year no sign on it cooling down.
5 years ago
Hello everyone, I'm new to this forum and I'm in need of some help. I got a blueberry bush and a blackberry that I bought not long ago but they seem to be having some problems the new leaves on the blueberry are yellow and the old ones were turning brown, I though it was a fungus and caught most leaves and canes that had berries but still keeps going. I live in Lima, Peru and its summer here, a really hot summer with intense radiation and 31º plus celsius that's like 90ºF. I used some acidic fertilizer just in case but don't know if that made it worse. What should i do?

About the blackberry some leaves are turning a bit purple on the tip but not much, that's about it.
5 years ago