Amy Clark

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since Mar 10, 2019
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Hey Evan... My family is looking to buy land this Spring in western ma. We are currently in Dartmouth Ma . I want to buy 10 + acres once I sell my house. We are total newbies aside from backyard chickens... We could help each other possibly? I always think about moving to an unknown area not knowing anyone... And with the traveling I plan to do it might be good to have someone to feed the animals while we are out.

Anyway even if that doesn't work out I would love to connect with someone who knows how to navigate these laws here. Ive often thought about moving eay out West bc people seem to have an easier time going off grid... But Ma is home for now.

I want to be able to buy land and live in a yurt or Rv as we slowly build our cabin. I know there's so many loopholes in order to make this possible or do you think we could get away with it if we buy enough land?
5 years ago