Steve Bevilacqua

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since Apr 01, 2019
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Recent posts by Steve Bevilacqua

Thanks! Is it safe to feed? Internet seems mixed. I see people saying the feed it and others saying if it gets a drop of mold it kill everything!
1 year ago
It's my first time buying rye grass it cost half as much as what I usually get. I have gotten teff grass, orchard Grass, oat grass. My question is this... the grass I get usually looks like, well... grass although it's dry it bends if you were to bend it. This stuff is thick like sticks and it snaps when you bend it. Not all of it it seems like that mostly just the bearded bales the non-bearded bails are what I kind of expected. Is this what it's supposed to look like is it just because I've never gotten this mature of grass before? Or is rye grass just really thick? Also is it true the bearded grass will hurt the animal's mouths and cause them to get infections or is that a myth?
1 year ago
After some research thinking.. gopher snake? But still, same question.
3 years ago
Ok so is this a terrible idea. Today, my wife found this snake living under the coop. Will try to get a better pic, but I am guessing it is a king snake, it had no pits or rattle. So let's assume for now it's a king snake. I was going to remove it, but then I thought, wait a minute, yes they eat eggs, but they don't eat least I don't think they do. But they also would potentially keep away a host of other critters, squirells, mice, weasels, even other snakes.  And how many eggs could he possibly eat.. one a day. Is this a dumb idea? Thanks
3 years ago
This is a lovely story I wish you well on starting your new Farm and hopefully there will be no bullies on it.
3 years ago
The boys thank you
3 years ago
Appreciate your insight. Good to know it's a fairly normal situation.
3 years ago
..and abdomen. Well new Queen on the way. I think this time I will put the queen cage in brood box. What I didn't mention is this was a hive I re-populated from a loss over the winter. Lots of honey in super.  The reason I put the Queen cage in the super was the first queen died after I put her in The brood box and they failed to even get her out because so few bees go into the brood box.
3 years ago
If I would have known, I would have gotten a better shot of the head.
3 years ago