Matthew Stern

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since Apr 12, 2019
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Greetings Barbara
I hope this brief message finds you in the best of feminine spirits.
I am 60 years old so they say. And will be competing in the Senior Olympics this coming June in Albuquerque, NM. So that should answer any questions about my health😉 The only farming I've done is wheat and milo. I've always had greenhouses wherever I've lived. Until 2017 I lived off grid for 14 years in the Sangre De Cristo mtns in Southern Colorado. Solar system, hunting, and fishing, bartering, etc. I consider myself even tempered, and emotionally stable. I don't smoke anything, and a six-pack of beer will last me six months. I prefer a glass of wine with good company. I don't consider myself a Christian, but try to live as such. I'm interested in your offer. Let's talk about it.
5 years ago
I am Marsane. I am presently in Taos NM. I am seriously interested in your idea. I lived 14 years off grid in the Sangre De Cristo mtns in southern Colorado. I know we could create something. I have some resources to share. Let's talk about it.
5 years ago