Sean Sentenn

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since Apr 16, 2019
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I find inspiration in permaculture, regenerative agriculture, children, education, spirituality, plant medicine, and community building.
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Healdsburg, CA
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Recent posts by Sean Sentenn

I love this thread! So many creative people! I need to check out the Food Forest card game.
5 years ago
I love all the suggestions here so far.
Having lived through the fires in Sonoma County in 2017 I know how important these bags are.
We didn't have them the night the sheriff came knocking to evacuate us. We spent precious minutes frantically grabbing things on our way out the door. And the item we DIDN'T grab that I wished we had was a stuffed animal for each girl. When we got to my sister-in-law's house both girls were upset and missing something to snuggle.
5 years ago
Welcome Kaci! I look forward to learning more about you and your book!
I have two school age girls, 10 and 6, and we are lucky enough to have a school garden program. I've befriended the teacher and have been extolling the virtues of permaculture! This book could make a great end of year gift.
5 years ago