Nikki halverson

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since Apr 23, 2019
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Master Gardener, school Garden educator, mushroom hunter, soap maker, wood splitter, compost my poop
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Northern WI
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Recent posts by Nikki halverson

Travis Halverson wrote:

This is the grossest thing I've ever seen in my life, and I lived it.

Loved it! Loved it, I mean.
5 years ago

Bob Gallamore wrote:I really would like to put a RMH between the dining and living rooms.  All the construction I have seen on RMH's is on a concrete slab.  Oops, we are building a pier and beam house!.

Mr. Gallamore,

Please continue posting if you solve this problem.  I am also on posts; the builder laid the floor joists flat.  I am considering somehow pouring a 4'x9' slab to at least support a RMH.  I have the Wisner's Cabin: 8" Diameter plans and that build weighs approximately 5,400 pounds.

Do you get frost heaves where you are at?
5 years ago
Welcome Kaci! I love that you wrote this book. I am the school garden educator for grades K-8. We have established gardens at the elementary and middle schools. Im struggling with teachers being able to offer more than just 15 minutes for their students in the garden. This year I’m offering a summer school option for the garden for kids who want additional time in the garden. The children plant the garden as 3rd graders and come back a 4th graders to harvest it. Our lunch lady makes a “harvest soup” from it. The middle school the 5th graders plant it and I’m working with the home ec teacher to get the kids out there to harvest it and actually cook with it.
5 years ago