Let me qualify myself as a non-farmer, a want-to-be-farming-&-raising-animals-soon guy. I spent my working life handling high voltage circuits. That said, I could identify with the farmer who deals with real issues, and the farmers who deal with them daily. However, when he said these farmers are involved in farming the way it has always been practiced, that is not accurate. Modern pesticides and synthetic fertilizer that provides 3 components are both products from WWII, fertilizer being a re-purposing of explosives. There has been big changes, changes in practice by farmers, but also changes in attitudes of consumers. In the '60s, most produce had signs of insect scarring. I wouldn't be surprised to find that farmers harvested fallen crops back then. There was premium produce, but sold at great premium, and not readily available at your local market. Part of the change is that the family farm has been nearly wiped out, only recently gaining a resurgence. The latter half of the 20th century saw massive losses of family farms, replaced by mechanized huge corporate operations. A parallel to my earlier mention re quality also broaches on the reality of lower quality overall. Where we used to buy vine ripened tomatoes, and in off season, unavailability, all commercially grown tomatoes today are picked green, and pumped with a gas when they want them to appear ripe just before market. Dr. Steven Gundry claims that there are substances called lectins that are present in green vegetables, and diminish when the fruit is ripe. Artificially pumping, (I can't recall the gas right now), gas into the atmosphere around green tomatoes to make them turn red does not magically ripen them. The harmful lectins are still present.
I, and others, are aware of principles that are true. Conventional corporate farmers are aware of principles that are true. There are prevalent misconceptions, mistakes, and mis-information, that could stand some education and understanding to create a better product. Who among us—lifelong grocery store tomato consumers, ha ve eaten a home grown vine ripened tomato? How many gardeners encountered their first artificially ripened hot house tomato? There is taste, and there is health. Modern agriculture puts 3 components into the soil, what?, potassium, magnesium and calcium? Every chemical fertilizer has the numbers on the package. There are 99 micronutrients important for good health, and trace minerals. Plants need 3 components; humans require a majority of the 99 nutrients for good health, and become ill with the absence of important nutrients. Inland folks used to tend to get goiter from iodine deficiency, so they added it to salt.
There is a, "guru," aspect, in Permaculture, and the world at large. Some people are fruitful, and help people, some charge $1,000 a head to speak to a crowd, and reveal basic principles, presented in a way to charm and dazzle. You know them by their fruits. Living healthy requires one to allow change in their lives, farmers, scientists and lay science practitioners shaping good practice, consumers. Me?, I don't WANT to eat GMOs, I don't WANT to eat fake meat grown in petri dishes, I don't WANT to eat genetically manipulated animals, I don't WANT to eat food grown that I don't WANT to drink filtered urine and feces. For me, Permaculture is a hope, that I can grow healthy food for myself & family. It requires great effort from me. Consumers want healthy food, and will pay a premium for it. Go to a farmers market, everyone selling what they represent as organic, and look at the boxes it comes in, many from producers of non-organic. I applaud commercial farmers who would come on a forum like this, have a discourse with us. My hope is that they find a path of production of healthy foods, (which sell at a premium). That's all I got right now.