Michelle Montero

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since Apr 28, 2019
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I understand your concern for your property's top condition and I absolutely respect that. I do also want to let you know that we have 2 cages for them as well. They are very well trained and are comfortable with leashes as well. They come in and out of the house on command. This would really be a dream come true for my husband and me. We're both in our early 20's and we want to do things differently than how things are done in the cities. I never been but my husband grew up in 'el campo' in Dominican Republic picking the freshest fruits right from the trees. Is there any possibility of discussing this further?
5 years ago
Are their restrictions on house cats? If not then I can most definitely post a payment in 2 weeks and we'd be on our way!
5 years ago
Hi Paul! I found your website and I've read through a lot of different threads and information and I'm super excited and intrigued! Do you currently have any availability for your permaculture bootcamp? I'm really interested in the boots to roots program with my husband. If you do have availability we are ready to listen through all your podcasts and sign up! Please let me know about availability for this amazing once in a lifetime opportunity :)
5 years ago