Jara Sanchez

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since Apr 29, 2019
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Recent posts by Jara Sanchez

Ken W Wilson wrote:Maybe parsnip or another carrot family. What does it smell like? Crush a leaf if you need to.

I do not think it’s parsnip. It does look like one but no. Thanks
4 years ago
I need help. when I clean the small part of garden. I notice this. Green/purple... I am not sure of that plant. I think when full grow it s like herb or something. Any idea?
4 years ago

I have grown new desert roses babies. Somehow I ordered different color of desert rose and the seeds looks different so I grow them only one grow so far and it didn’t look like desert rose to me. Left is more shiny than right which have little fuzzy.

In two photos- both on left is desert rose and on right is unsure.... if you know what it is please let me know. I don’t know if I’m being conned by that.

Thank in advance.
5 years ago