Paco Redman

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since Apr 29, 2019
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Hi, all,

Newbie to here, so please excuse me if I did anything incorrect with this post.  I searched around first, but could not find anything already written that addressed this question.

I'm building a 14 foot diameter earthbag corbel dome in the southern New Mexico desert.  Only the first few rows/layers have been put down so far.  On the most recent row/layer, I temporarily moved one of the bags inward (toward the center of the circle) by about 2 inches to see how the bags will react when I begin corbelling.  As I suspected, the overhanging part of the bag was drooping/sagging.

So, my question is this:
Is sagging/drooping a normal and acceptable part of the corbel dome, or is there something else that I should be doing to prevent sagging/drooping?

I'm replying here bc there is no 'post reply' button showing for some reason. Thanks for your response. Actually, the there is no sagging in the dampened and tamped bags themselves. The sagging is only happening on the overhanging 2 inches (where there is nothing but air underneath the overhang) when I attempt to shrink the circle to create the corbel.  That is the part I am curious about.
5 years ago