In my opinion, enough people have gotten behind this movement that there is now alot of hope. If we can reach a critical mass, I believe the inertia will drive all the cronies out of power, but if we don't reach it, it might become a police state. Its really all or nothing here. But its ok, it really looks like we're winning this one from my eyes;
-More and more Americans are enlightening on things such as diet, agriculture, environmental destruction
-I heard a poll that said the majority of Americans support the movement
-Its not attached to any particular race, candidate or belief; its nonviolent; spreading to celebrities and other Americans w/ social power
-The true problem is exposed; That Wall street and Washington are One entity
-Bank of America is totally afraid of people closing their accounts it seems like
-The internet is on our side
-The people at OWS are lovely and supportive and creative and no crusty dead bankers can keep down real collaboration
BTW they don't NEED tents and a literal occupation to continue and they can always reoccupy once the momentum gets greater.
I'm inclined to believe we've got this one won, Permaculture can solve all our material needs, we just need someone fighting for us on the political end.