This is my success over Crohn’s disease.
I had Crohn’s disease and it has been a hard time trying to get medicine to fix or remove it.
I have tried several medicines and steroids were the first stuff I’ve used for several years but
steroids have side effects and it changes the face and causes weight problems. I have also taken aminosalicylates pills, suppositories, etc. but these are less effective.
The ones that have the best for relief and alleviating the symptoms are the antiinflammation drugs Humira and REmicade,
However these medicines are expensive, I used them for a while but not really able to afford them
And honestly only people with more financial means can afford them.
But I still had Crohns and it was affecting my health which was also affecting my whole life.
Then some people were suggesting helminth therapy and I was seriously thinking that it would
be a possibility.
But I read about people who had worms or their eggs in delicate parts of the body.
For example, there was a story of a worm or its body part in the brain and another about eggs of the worm found in muscle or other tissues, really, reading about these made me sick & have a negative feeling.
To suffer is bad and suffer from Crohns where our digestive organs are affected , losing weight and nutrition was a problem but it was not the food, our own bodies did not get along with foods
And it was immune something that was the cause.
But one time, I came to info about Immune adjustments and suddenly I said to myself, this may be just what I have been looking for.
First of all, it was a way to get into controlling the immune system and was based on Science discoveries and new technical stuff.
It is a little known discovery and not known info because when it started it was successful in
animals but not on humans. So this thing seemed to start but end since the humans success was not possible.
But then going forward in time, one company claimed to achieve success and that was what I was reading about.
But the success was a new possibility & discovery by researcher Dr. Matzinger and that was the lead that continued to success. Her lead was possible but at that point it was not from modern medicine but from herb and then a combination of herbs.
Anyway, I looked at the cost and it was affordable, not only affordable but it was not even expensive
But I did go for this therapy and it worked.
There are almost no stories about success regarding Crohns disease but I am stating here that my situation is a success story and if the story I write here is not convincing enough, people should at least read the full info at the site
because it is based on science and medical journals and it makes sense.
Lastly, the herbs actually are the new ingredients that made the quantum leap to success.
I had to try this , why ? because there was no other alternative left but I’m glad I made the decision & get this therapy.
Read about this therapy at