Becca Smith

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since May 11, 2019
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S Tonin wrote:I'm going to second everyone that said homi.  I've been using mine for basically everything for two seasons now.  My soil is so rocky that it takes longer to use a regular shovel than it does to just get down on the ground and dig a hole with the homi.  It chops roots and pries rocks, it's great for digging trenches for seeds (I do mostly raised beds/ sheet mulching so a hoe is impractical for me for most applications) or just roughing up soil for planting.  It's great for lifting potatoes/ sweet potatoes.

A close second is my Victorinox floral knife.  I used to be a floral designer so I have a few floating around--I didn't buy them special for gardening.  I use them for whatever needs cutting--stems, string, tape, packaging, whatever.  They're on the expensive side (at least, to me because I'm cheap), but really worth it.

What brand of homi would you recommend?
5 years ago
Seeing the tool give away by Truly Garden and Loma Creek got me thinking, what garden tool can you not live without and why? I have not come across one particular tool I couldn't live without. I'm wondering if I'm missing out on some really cool tools?
5 years ago