It did take some time catching hens and putting them back in the fence after we had ours freeranging haha but they did finallystart to stay in, after our first year an a half or so we bought 15 new pullets and they had never free ranged and they never jumped the fence they were isa's we then bought 40 more chicks mixed black australorps rhode reds, speckled Sussex, and easter eggers, and today there is only 2 eggers that still jump out but non of the big birds do. As for not seeing a benefit with chicks on pasture i disagree our birds are in their paddock for about 4-6 days and depending on rain we start to see the grass surpass the non paddock areas after 2-4weeks! And thats even the spots where the girls dust bathe come back, we are in Michigan but we are very sandy and those really sandy spots are starting grow grasses and clover!