Anthony Ervin

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since May 12, 2019
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I've only encountered bumble foot with ducks...but its caused by a wound in the foot so first find out wherethey are injuring them selves and fix that, for me it was a sharp piece of plastic on their "pond" then i kept cleaning the foot for several days...long story short it didnt work but i ended up giving the ducks to my mother inlaw who had a real pond and it ended up healing up just fine with daily baths after a month or so. So for your chicks keep cleaning their feet or cut your losses and get new chickens.
4 years ago
We rotate our girls yes but i do think if you were to keep less than 12ish chics a stationary coop with deep litter would be more beneficial in a time an labor perspective. Plus you get more compost! We just use our winters to build up deep bedding compost.
4 years ago
It did take some time catching hens and putting them back in the fence after we had ours freeranging haha but they did finallystart to stay in, after our first year an a half or so we bought 15 new pullets and they had never free ranged and they never jumped the fence they were isa's we then bought 40 more chicks mixed black australorps rhode reds, speckled Sussex, and easter eggers, and today there is only 2 eggers that still jump out but non of the big birds do. As for not seeing a benefit with chicks on pasture i disagree our birds are in their paddock for about 4-6 days and depending on rain we start to see the grass surpass the non paddock areas after 2-4weeks! And thats even the spots where the girls dust bathe come back, we are in Michigan but we are very sandy and those really sandy spots are starting grow grasses and clover!
4 years ago
We have used electrified poultry net for 5 years now and there is no way i would mess around moving any other type of fencing for chickens. We have never had a predator attack while the birds are in the fencing. When we first started out we used chicken wire an whatnot and itwas just a pain an snow fencing was slightly better to setup but our snow fence was orange haha and i couldn't stand seeing the glowing orangefence in our field haha
I know the premier fence is expensive but its well worth it! I would say that you dont need to buy their energizer and could buy/build a better energizer but the whole package works well! I can move the birds whole setup in less than 20 min and thats not even rushing.
4 years ago
We also use woven field fence for a training pen, and have a mix of the hog net an 2 wire. At first i hated using the hog net in the woods but now that i have some spots that the pigs have been before i like using it FWIW. We have ten hogs this year we rotate around.
4 years ago
One thing we learned was to keep the training pen on the smaller side, so when they are learning to explore they come into contact with the fence more. And maybe try 2 wires?
4 years ago
Sorry i missed that you said they stay full time in 1 paddock but you could try favas the grow fast and like cooler weather not sure if they will over winter but could plant early in spring as well. Even maybe fence little blocks of them then open them up and let the piggies at em!
4 years ago
Second on the mulberries, mature mulberries drop alot of fruit and pigs love them, but consider your time an money reseeding annuals as it may not be the best way to go about it, a perennial perimeter with quicker moves keeps native veg growing in your pasture.
4 years ago
This is our second year using the premier 1 pig quick fence and it has worked great! I use 2-100 ft sections with 10 weaners rotated every 5 to 10 days but but have moved them as quick as 2 days in some wet spots where they tore it up quick. I used some field fence with the quick fence inside to train for a couple weeks and so far its been that easy! We have duroc berk cross and some york berk duroc chris cross haha
4 years ago