Bill Baggins

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since May 18, 2019
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Thank you, I thought it should be as simple as driving it down a little further, but wanted confirmation.   I do plan on buying a coupler and a cap fitting to drive it down, so should be good there I think.  

What little grass grows there that is, it is so sandy nothing really grows well.  
5 years ago
Thanks, it is a 2" pipe on the right.   Might be a camera angle thing.  

5 years ago
Hey all, a couple years ago we purchased a family cottage on a lake, the well is what I am assuming is a sand point well.   It is about 20' from the lake and right now is sticking above the ground by about 6".   It is in a very bad spot, basically right where we walk 90% of the time and is right where we pull the dock out of the water at, so we must always be very careful about watching for it.  

Basically my question is, can I just drive the well down about 10" and put it in a sprinkler valve box?   I would buy the coupler, short section of pipe and the drive cap to drive it down.    I just want to confirm that this will work without any major issues.  Being so close to the water and being in basically pure sand, I am guessing it isn't very deep either.    I have enclosed a picture, the steel is the well, and the hose goes to the pump in that is in the garage.   I just want to drive it down, put a shutoff inline (for blowing out lines in winter), and bury it in a normal sprinkler valve box.

Thank you,

5 years ago