r ranson wrote:
Eldon Dore wrote:well, my seed that I managed to save seems to be a bust, none of them have managed to survive to the true leaf stage. I've got a few seeds left from last year as well as some other ones I purchased from some other places that I've started, so hopefully I can harvest some more seeds and cotton this year, maybe get some that are developed enough to survive germination. Wish me luck lol!
Thanks for the update.
Did the bolls make cotton and the seeds still didn't set?
I'm glad you have more seed.
r ranson wrote:
Inge Leonora-den Ouden wrote:
r ranson wrote:
Inge Leonora-den Ouden wrote:I am sorry, but my tiny cotton plants all died. Maybe I had to wait until spring before sewing the seeds
what symptoms did they have?
They stopped growing, got a yellowish colour and looked dry, but watering didn't help. Of some the base of the stem looked thinner than normal, but not all.
I wish I knew more about cotton to be able to figure out why.
Anyone else recognizes these symptoms?