Eldon Dore

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since May 19, 2019
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Growing in a backyard garden in calgary canada, been doing it a couple years, dabble in breeding peas and tomatoes.
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Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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Recent posts by Eldon Dore

Well I've just planted my cotton plants out this weekend. I've got 6 plants this year, three from seed I saved from my plants last year, two from some cotton I purchased online that still had the seeds in it, and one green cotton. Two of the plants from my saved seed already have some flower buds coming out, so here's hoping they actually set and I get a whole growing season for them to mature. My cotton that I grew last year I don't think fully matured, because I had a heck of a time getting the seeds to sprout, used up pretty much all of my saved seed to get the three plants I did.
3 years ago
I'd be interested if I could figure out some way to feed them lol. Never seen a mulberry tree here in Calgary, I'm assuming its a little too cold for them.
3 years ago

r ranson wrote:

Eldon Dore wrote:well, my seed that I managed to save seems to be a bust, none of them have managed to survive to the true leaf stage. I've got a few seeds left from last year as well as some other ones I purchased from some other places that I've started, so hopefully I can harvest some more seeds and cotton this year, maybe get some that are developed enough to survive germination. Wish me luck lol!

Thanks for the update.

Did the bolls make cotton and the seeds still didn't set?  

I'm glad you have more seed.

I did get some usable cotton, not a lot, but enough that I can play around with it a bit. The seeds in the bolls were a little smaller than the ones I received from you, and when I planted them none came up, so I tried doing some between paper towel in a warm area, and about a third of them sprouted, but when I moved them into soil, they just languished and died, so I'm thinking they weren't quite developed enough to make it. I'm gonna keep trying though, grow them in different spots, different soils, maybe try some as houseplants.
3 years ago
well, my seed that I managed to save seems to be a bust, none of them have managed to survive to the true leaf stage. I've got a few seeds left from last year as well as some other ones I purchased from some other places that I've started, so hopefully I can harvest some more seeds and cotton this year, maybe get some that are developed enough to survive germination. Wish me luck lol!
3 years ago

r ranson wrote:

Inge Leonora-den Ouden wrote:

r ranson wrote:

Inge Leonora-den Ouden wrote:I am sorry, but my tiny cotton plants all died. Maybe I had to wait until spring before sewing the seeds

what symptoms did they have?

They stopped growing, got a yellowish colour and looked dry, but watering didn't help. Of some the base of the stem looked thinner than normal, but not all.

I wish I knew more about cotton to be able to figure out why.

Anyone else recognizes these symptoms?  

The three plants that I managed to get growing were quite yellow and dry while I had them inside before I was able to move them outside, but once I got them moved outside and into larger growing conditions they did come back and grew quite well, so I'm not sure if they had the same problems, but it did sound a little similar. My plants definitely responded very well to having a little bit more space to grow.

On other fronts, I did manage to grow a few bolls that opened and gave me some usable cotton, however I don't think they were quite mature enough. The seeds have a very low germination rate, and they seem to have trouble getting out of the soil. I've got a few started, when I know for sure that they are going to make it I will take some pictures and try to post them here.

Fingers crossed that I will be able to get a second generation out of them. I'm growing a few other varieties that I purchased from a few different places, so maybe I can get working on trying to breed my own variety of Canada adapted cotton.
4 years ago
Well, I've got a few bolls on my plants, only have maybe a week or two left of growing season, maybe a little longer if I'm really lucky. Hopefully they are mature enough to produce some seed for next year.
4 years ago
mine took close to a month before they grew any true leaves. I got 3 plants still going, but they are looking rough, should be able to move them out sometime this week, so hopefully they will perk up with better light and more space.
4 years ago
Currently they are in just promix potting soil, inside under lights since it hasn't been conducive to growing anything outside here at the moment lol. Weather is looking better though so I think I'm gonna be moving them outside for a few hours during the day in the shade to start hardening them off. They aren't very big yet even though they are about 4 months old, little over a foot or so. Its possible it might be too little water, I have a bad habit of over watering my indoor plants, so I've been trying to hold back with them cause I don't want to kill them,
4 years ago
So I've managed to get 3 plants to grow past the seed leaf stage, but I've been noticing that the larger leaves seem to be developing large brown spots then drying up and dying as if they are getting burnt, but it does seem to matter how close or far they are from my lights, and I'm wondering if cotton just loses leaves or am I doing something wrong? Haven't been able to find anything online about it
4 years ago
finally got one seedling to the point where its growing true leaves, had a ton of trouble getting to that point, but it looks like I may get to see how they do for me over the summer.
4 years ago