Anders Hansen

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since May 22, 2019
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I recently bought a house that has a majestic dogwood out front. We noticed it wasn't doing so hot. The leaves have dots on them, many leaves browning at the tip.

I did some digging. Looks like a case of Discula destructiva. And a bad one at that. I can hardly find a leaf that is not afflicted. I feel we might lose the tree.

Has anyone experienced this before? Were you able to recover the tree? What did you do? I'd like to refrain as much as possible from using fungicides. Heavy pruning and herbal sprays perhaps?

And, furthermore, if we do have to lose the tree, what should I do with it's remains? Can I compost twigs for use in my orchard? Or is that too risky? I can't find any info on whether it can hop from dogwood to another plant family.
5 years ago
I've been reading The Holistic Orchard by Michael Phillips (superb book) and read about using herbal fermented teas as a foliar spray. I ran out and gathered some horsetail and nettle and have started a batch. Using them should increase the cuticle strength of my leaves, warding off the pests of all forms.

But I am thirsty for more information... what other plants can be used? What is the science?

I did some digging online and found a website consistently referred to ( that appears to be off-line.

Any information is helpful!


5 years ago