Nathan Hall

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since May 24, 2019
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Actually may have just answered my own question by googling, but figured I'd post this link in case it's helpful to someone in the future!
4 years ago
Hello all, I'm planning to start brewing compost tea soon, and have been planning to get a semi truck load or two of commercial compost anyway to spread on a couple of fields that we're growing on. I'm wondering if I could just use some of this compost to start brewing batches of compost tea, while adding other locally foraged/sourced ingredients in the near future to make it a more holistic mix. This commercial compost comes from cleaning out horse barns in central Kentucky and is professionally composted with big winrowing machines on acres of concrete (visited once in college); the "standardbred" is made from stalls that used sawdust as bedding and "thoroughbred" is made from stalls that used wheat straw as bedding. They did a bad job of sending me test results since only the standardbred included results on heavy metals (and they cropped out the far left side of page), but I'm wondering if anyone can weigh in on whether those heavy metal results are too high to use for compost tea? I know it would probably be more ideal to make my own compost from materials I'm very familiar with, but tbh I don't have time to do that in advance of the season starting and I can get 40 yds of "standardbred" delivered for $1100. It's tough to tell what's "too high" with these metal levels since all soil has them to some extent. Thanks for any input!
4 years ago