Restless Jason Taylor

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since Jun 04, 2019
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Recent posts by Restless Jason Taylor

Honestly I’d just rather not use your site. I have a major problem with unnecessary rules in society, and would rather people see different behaviors as culturally positive actions rather than deviations of the social norm. Good luck with your website, but I’m going to stop visiting and will stop recommending that others do the same.
I plan on adding a flywheel to the mix just to make the load lighter, but from my experience small kerf blades need a fraction of the torque of larger ones (bandsaw vs tablesaw).
5 years ago
My user name is my given name + the adjective “restless” but it was flagged. I received a message saying so, but I couldn’t reply to it. I’m a real person, and will gladly prove it any way I can. My website, which includes the same adjective is
Also, please excuse my ugly welds. I’ve tested them harder than I should have, but they aren’t pretty at all. This is my first big welding project in 15 years.
5 years ago
After building a business using a now 112 year old, treadle powered printing press I was sold on the ability of human powered machines. My press was 1000 lbs of cast iron that moved like butter under the gentle press of my foot. I’m dreaming of a fully off-grid workshop, utilizing human and direct solar power. Aside from boatloads of research and experimentation, this is my first attempt at making this dream a reality. So far I’ve got a working frame and drivechain. I hope to install a sprocket onto the bandsaw and have it running shortly. I fully expect to tear it apart and rebuild it a few times. That being said, the first major problem I’ve found is with the direction of rotation. I’m orser to pedal while cutting the rider has to pedal backwards. The best solution for inverting roller chain involves 4 sprockets. Any other ideas that won’t cost much more than free?
5 years ago
You are just a few hours away from a lot of intentionally communities. I am currently staying at Cambia, which is in Louisa, VA. Within a few mile radius there are several different rural intentional communities, each with a different flavor to try out. I'd highly recommend that you look into IC's and see about getting a visitor period. You will have a chance to meet some amazing people, exposure to lifestyles that you never though possible in typical urban society, and get to work closely with people that can teach you all sorts of useful homesteading skills. Good luck, and I hope you find what you need to make the jump soon.

5 years ago
I’m starting to homestead 55 acres in Louisa, which is about halfway between richmond and Charlottesville. I grew up out here, but have been a city slicker for years. I’d love to meet up with like minded people in the area, so feel free to drop me a line when you have landed. Welcome!
5 years ago